Coaching for Girls

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." - Alice Walker

It is important to support a healthy sense of self worth, self-belief and confidence in our teen girls. Unfortunately, girls are often not supported or encouraged to be autonomous, powerful, or pioneering. Girls are socially conditioned to be in supportive, “pleasing” roles, and to be the victim rather than the architect of their own lives.

I feel passionately about creating spaces, in the form of groups and individual sessions, where teenage girls can flourish. One of my aims is to support today’s girls become tomorrow’s innovators and leaders, pursuing their passions, and making valuable contributions to diverse, currently male-dominated industries as well as in traditionally feminine roles. I aim to support every girl that I work with access her amazing and unique potential.

Possible areas of focus:

  • Body image

  • Friendship challenges

  • Anxiety

  • School difficulties

  • Anger

  • Stress management

  • Nutrition

  • Sex education